Uncategorized Oct 26, 2016

Clarity is the cornerstone for all successful manifesting and goal achievement. If you don't know what you want or where you're headed, it's kind of hard to get moving in the right direction, let along to the final destination.

Clarity is also one of my favorite things to work with new clients on, because it's often a simple mindset shift that can take you from dazed and confused to crystal clear in no time!

As human beings, we are often more conditioned by the things we don't  like--the "contrasts"  that we experience in life:

  • We know that we don't want a job that we have to work 80 hours a week at.  
  • We know that we don't want a boss that's demeaning or a micro-manager.  
  • We know that we don't want a partner that's taller than us or shorter than us or that makes us feel bad about ourselves.

These contrasts carry with them a big gift.   Flip them upside down and turn them inside out and you have your clarity....what is the opposite?   

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Uncategorized Oct 08, 2016

Are you a “perfectionist”?   Do you wait until everything is “just so” in order to take action?   Is it a “quality” issue—you don’t want to put out anything “half-a**ed”, so you’re waiting until it is up to “your standards”?  

Lots of “quotes” in those sentences!   Why?   Because quotations go around statements and stories and those are the stories that you’re telling yourself!

Don’t kid yourself—perfectionism is actually a form of procrastination.   It’s an excuse not to get started or to delay putting something that you made—with your name on it—out in the world to be seen.  And judged.   And possibly rejected.  And  in your mind, if it’s perfect when you do put it out there then no one would reject it.   That’s your ego talking and telling those...

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Taking action is a critical component of manifesting. If you sit around all day saying positive affirmations and waiting for things to magically appear, you’ll be waiting for awhile and may never see your dreams manifest. By the same token if you start taking action without the right energy behind it, you could end up manifesting the opposite of what you want. An energy of determination has a very different energy than one of desperation. When you think of determination, it tends to conjure of feelings of persistence, steadiness, strength. When you think of desperation, you will likely feel anxiety, stress and even scattered. With determination, you build momentum. With desperation you may see at best short-term success that’s not sustainable and, at worst, chaos.

So, how can you ensure that you are starting from the right place?

Successful manifesting requires an alignment. An alignment of your thoughts (your “mind”), your emotions (your...

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When it comes to manifesting financial abundance do you have a prosperity mindset or a penny pincher perspective? 

This can be a tricky topic when you’re trying to manifest money. No one wants to waste money or throw it away. Perhaps your parents taught you to be responsible or even frugal with your funds. Or maybe you heard growing up “a penny saved is a penny earned”. But consider the undercurrent of energy in all of those thoughts…each is rooted in the idea of lack. That if you aren’t responsible or frugal and you don’t save your money, you won’t have it. And this energy is either stopping you from attracting money or limiting you from attracting more.

So how do you turn this around and start to attract from an energy of abundance?

1. Start by setting an actual financial manifestation goal. Pick a number that you want to manifest in the next month—a number that is just outside your comfort zone. If you pick a number...

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Why I Don't Care if You are Inauthentic

blocks limiting beliefs Jul 16, 2016

I don’t care if you are inauthentic!

I have had several conversations over the past few weeks with clients and friends who were extremely triggered by people that they feel are inauthentic.  People who build a life on social media that looks nothing like their real life.  The pictures show smiles and social events, happy families and friends, amazing locations and guilty pleasure indulgences—all carefully posed to capture the essence of the moment…or at least the essence they want you to think.  Maybe even the essence of what they themselves want to believe.  Picture perfect on the outside!

And I get feeling triggered.  I actually avoided social media altogether for several years because of this very thing.  I knew someone personally that was a master of social media and PR.  Behind the scenes her life was a mess—her husband was cheating on her, she had anxiety so bad that she self-mutilated, she struggled to see any real...

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How to Set Your Children Up for a Lifetime of Success vs. Struggle

blocks limiting beliefs Jun 01, 2016

Most parents are very familiar with the phrase "monkey see, monkey do" and know to be careful when using bad words or acting inappropriately around their children.  But it really goes so much deeper than that!    Children are literal sponges--at least their brains are--for years before they develop the ability to reason or form judgments on their own.  And by that time their perspectives have already been biased based on what they've absorbed throughout their formative years.

From birth to around two years of age, our brains are in Delta brainwave state. Adults experience this during periods of deep sleep. There are no feelings or emotions in this state and we are literally just taking everything in.  

From two years to around age six--the brain accelerates into Theta pattern. This is where creativity and imagination are accessed and it's where the unconscious mind is dominant. As adults we experience this state as we are drifting into sleep...

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law of attraction rituals May 22, 2016

When I first was introduced to the idea of manifesting with the moon I thought it was a little odd.  I always enjoyed reading my horoscopes and, as a Cancer, I’m naturally a “moon child”.   There is something so incredibly breathtaking about the moon—whether you are in a quiet forest, in the hustle and bustle of NYC or standing on a beach with the waves crashing—just looking up at that beautiful moon in the deep indigo black sky is mesmerizing.  


But manifesting with this beauty?  How does that work? 


If you remember back to your grade school science classes, you learned about the gravitational pull that the moon has on the tides.   Tides are created because the Earth and the moon are attracted to each other, just like magnets are attracted to each other. The moon tries to pull at anything on the Earth to bring it closer. But, the Earth is able to hold onto everything except the water. Since the...

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In Respect of Daily Rituals

law of attraction rituals May 11, 2016

For years I got up early because I had to.    I would start the day at 5:00 or 5:30, shower, walk the dog and get ready for work.     Often, I’d get up even earlier than that if I had an early morning flight or train to catch—which, as a road warrior,  was more often than not.   I’d either work on the flight or train or try to catch some ZZZ’s….which was never quality sleep if I did manage to nod off and usually resulted in some major neck pain.       I didn’t appreciate the value of taking time in the morning to ground myself or set my intentions for the day, let alone the opportunity to feel into my dreams and start the day off on the right foot!      I was on the rollercoaster of living day to day to recuperate on the weekends.  That WAS my ritual!

 Today my daily ritual looks very different.:

  •  I still wake up around 5:00 but rarely to an alarm....
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Clear Your Clutter, Attract More Business

Can it really be that simple?   Yes, it can!   As a business coach one of the first things I do with clients is help them identify where they have clutter in their business and establish a plan to clean it up.  It’s the fastest and easiest way to get some forward motion and momentum going. 


When you understand the laws of physics in relationship to clutter you can see where the problems lie and why this approach is so naturally effective.   Like everything, clutter carries energy with it.  The dictionary definition of clutter is a collection of things lying about in an untidy mass or an untidy state.  The synonyms for clutter could describe a zombie apocalypse:  disorder, chaos, disarray, mess, jumble, litter, heap, tangle, muddle, hodgepodge.  The word itself is actually derived from the Middle English word clotter, meaning to clot or slow down.    Does that sound like the kind of energy that...

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