Enroll Now!

You want to be Wealthy and "Living the Dream" 
and instead you're "Working Hard for the Money"
and the Dream is somewhere off in the Distance. 


Here's Why...

This is going to sound harsh, but the truth is that
YOU are your own worst enemy
when it comes to money.

It’s not your boss, your clients,  or even “the world” that’s keeping you down.

It’s your own beliefs
-- about who you are and what you’re capable of--
that are holding you back!

It's your own self image.

It's your Identity.

And this Identity--and these beliefs--
can affect your work, your business
and your income 
in sneaky ways like...

😞 Stalling when it comes to making financial decisions

😞 Hesitating to raise your rates or ask for a raise

😞 Putting up with difficult, demanding and even demeaning clients, bosses or co-workers that leave you feeling emotionally and physically drained

😞 Not asking for the sale or not even applying for a loan or grant to see if you're eligible

😞 Attracting clients who are only looking for freebies or discounts or who cancel appointments at the last minute or miss payments...or friends who are always late and stiff you with the checkπŸ™„

😞 Getting audited and hit with an unexpected tax bill or other unplanned expenses

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And you have a biological program that wants to
protect that Identity at all costs.

Even if you could change your beliefs, your Nervous System doesn't want you to:

πŸ€” You know what decision you want to make but you don't want to deal with the consequences if things go awry.

πŸ€” You know you're worth more money but you just can't risk losing the client or the job.

πŸ€” You know you deserve to be treated better but if you speak up, what will they think?

πŸ€” You'd rather not risk  disappointment...you've had enough of that in your life and it's easier to just not put yourself out there.

πŸ€” Being pro-active is better than being re-active...at least you can be in control.

These are all ways that your Nervous System works to protect your Identity.  

To keep it safe.

To keep YOU safe.

Your Brain and your Nervous System
are just computers running Programs. 

You can change those Programs.

You can become

Enroll Now

 Join us in this groundbreaking program we'll show you
how to step into a powerful NEW identity
and install NEW programming that has
your Brain and Nervous System
working FOR you and not AGAINST you!



😍 Being decisive and trusting your intuition.

😍 Confidently raising your rates or asking for that raise.

😍 Walking away from people and situations that do not serve you.

😍 Easily asking for the sale or seeing--and acting on--opportunities that seem to always come your way!

😍 Attracting dream clients who pay on time and even early! and enjoying relationships that reflect your self-worth.

😍 Having more than enough in the bank so the unexpected expenses don't even phase you.

And how would it feel to turn your

Instead of letting fear run the show...

πŸ’ͺ You recognize fear as a sign of growth and use it to fire you up!

πŸ’ͺ You become PRE-active vs. Reactive or Proactive.

πŸ’ͺ You know how to turn your triggers into your treasures.

πŸ’ͺ You build unstoppable confidence, self love and self worth.

πŸ’ͺ You find your true inner strength.

Sign Up Now!

Here's what you get:


Training modules will be dripped out weekly to give you the information you need to re-wire your brain and tools to support you with regulating your nervous system so you can expand into your Wealthy Self.

Live Coaching

Weekly LIVE calls with Beth and Rachel to help you take the information and get the transformation. 
You can also ask questions daily in the membership portal. (Just allow 24 hours for responses).


"You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with"  ~Jim Rohn.
On the weekly calls and in the private portal, you'll join our Wired for Wealth BETA members who are back for their next uplevel!

Hear from our Beta Members (and come meet them in the next round):

I have received all the funds that were necessary to purchase my house this past year through using what I learned in Wired for Wealth.

 I got a promotion and large raise. My husband's business (which I own 50% of) increased in earnings and continues to see financial growth. 

The process works!! It's like magic!!

Be open, be committed, be consistent and BE READY!! You will see and have amazing results!

~Susan Parisi

Join Us Now!

The Details 

Your Prosperity Programming

Learn how your money stories and stopping strategies formed and how to create new ones.

Cracking Your Wealth Codes

Create your personal Wealth Blueprint and begin installing the new Codes.

The Frequency Factor

Master the Energetics of Money and tune into the Frequency of Wealth.

Turning Your Triggers into Your Treasures

Learn the Alchemist's Way of Turning Lead into Gold

Raise Your Wealth Thermostat

Create a new "comfort zone" as you expand your wealth consciousness and capacity.

The Compounding Code

Amplify your Abundance in a 21 Day Turbo Charge Challenge



A 90 minute Transformational Breathwork Journey 

Your breath is one of the most powerful tools to regulate your nervous system. 
In this transformational experience we use active breathwork to move and release stuck emotional energy
and open the door for subconscious wealth re-programming 

Your Guides: 

Hi , I'm Beth,  a High Performance and Happiness Coach for Women who want  MORE in their lives:  More Joy, More Energy, More Passion, More Money and More Meaning.

I know how to do things the hard way...I spent 20 years in the retail world, climbing the corporate ladder.   At the height of my career I was a VP of Sales managing over $880 million in volume and thousands of employees. 

And I was burnt out and spiritually broke.

I walked away from that life over 10 years ago and found out the real "Secret"...not only was I working way harder than I needed to, but I had actually put a CAP on my earnings and income potential!  And what I thought was a "big deal" (the benefits, the company car, the savings & retirement) was really "small potatoes".   Now I think bigger, dream bigger and live bigger!  (and I make over 8x what I made back in that "high paying" career)

I'm committed to helping other women have an easier time learning those lessons...and it's never too late!

I'm Rachel, a successful multi business owner most known for my popular style blog, Pinteresting Plans.

In 2020 I was searching for a path out of feeling weighed down, overwhelmed, and in a “rut” with my business and family life. After hearing Beth on a podcast I reached out and quickly signed up for 1:1 coaching. 

My growth has been EXTRAORDINARY!  I've moved into my Dream house by the beach, started my real estate biz, opened a school ...and I'm just getting started!

During the Wired for Wealth Beta class, I got a $25,000 check unexpectedly in the mail and 
I made $30,000 unexpectedly on a real estate investment I didn’t think would start to pay out for at least another year. 

Client Wins:


Still Have Questions?


Send us a message at [email protected] and let us know what's holding you back from saying "YES"!   
We're happy to answer any questions to see if Wired for Wealth is the right fit for you!

Email [email protected] to get on the waitlist for our next live round!