Summer Session



  •  to grow luxuriantly THRIVE

  •  to achieve success :  PROSPER 

  •  to reach a height of development or influence

  • grow or develop in a healthy or vigorous way, especially as the result of a particularly favorable environment.


Enroll Now!

Are you ready to step into a freer, fuller, more expansive life?

A life with LESS Struggle
MORE Energy, MORE Joy, MORE Passion, MORE Connection and MORE Meaning?

All life is meant to grow, thrive and prosper.  

It's literally what you are born to do.

So if you're not experiencing that, you're out of sync with
the Natural Laws of the Universe.

Does any of this look, feel or sound familiar?


Dying on the Vine:

Physical exhaustion and even burnout.  Relationships are often tense or non-existent.  Financial pressures add to the stress.  You may feel frustrated, resigned or maybe even bitter.  

Simply Surviving

You're often just getting by and making ends meet.  
There's a feeling of something's missing and you're just going through the motions.  You feel restless...because you know you're a good person and deserve to have more!

Doing things the hard way 

You see successes but they often seem to come with drama.  You work hard and feel accomplished but don't have a lot of time for fun and just enjoying the fruits of your labor.   


Whatever your DOESN'T have to be this way!

Hi I'm Beth, and I created the Flourish Framework™ to help women just like you reclaim their power and their natural state of abundance.

And do so with a sense of joy, ease and flow vs. constant struggle and effort.

It's entirely possible--I know from personal experience!

10 years ago I was in complete burnout.  I was physically and mentally exhausted and emotionally and spiritually disconnected.  My relationships at home and at work were suffering along with the career that I had worked so hard for.

I felt like I was dying on the vine!

I knew something had to change and I made the drastic move to walk away from my career so I could fix the mess I had gotten myself into.
What I've learned and implemented in my life since that time has been nothng short of a miracle and caused a complete turnaround in literally every area of my life!

AND, more importantly,  the lives of over 80 women that I've mentored in the past 6 years. 

The Flourish Framework™ combines everything I've learned in my study and application of High Performance, Positive Psychology, Neuroscience, Quantum Physics and Universal Laws.

I want to help YOU master this too!


But don't just take my word for it....

Check out some of my client's and their amazing results!

Are you ready to Flourish?

Here's what you'll accomplish in 8 Weeks:

Create Your J.U.I.C.Y. Dream

Create a crystal clear vision that excites, ignites and anchors you!

Identify Your Milestone Goals

Identify a breakthrough goal that will take you closer to your dream.

Fertilize Your Soil

Just like a healthy plant needs rich fertile soil to grow strong, so do your Dreams!

Weed Your Garden

Identify the external things that are getting in your way and take care of them for good!

Exterminate the Bugs

Develop powerful techniques that eradicate your internal mindset bugs and limiting beliefs.

Energize Your Personal Power Plantā„¢

Learn how to optimize your energy so you feel better AND become magnetic to your Dreams.

Know when to Prune

Sometimes it's necessary to prune your plants so they can grow back healthier and stronger.  Same with your Dreams and Goals!

Rinse and Repeat

Learn how to apply the tools consistently and watch your whole life Flourish!



Lay the Foundation for Your Success

There are certain specific foundational principles that will pave the way for successful manifestation of your goals and dreams.  In this week we'll dive deep into these to set you up for success!


Identify Your J.U.I.C.Y Dreams and Milestone Goal

For many of us, our Dream muscle has atrophied.  We're going to wake it up and build it back up so you have a compelling "why" that will move you forward despite any obstacles.  Then you'll identify your first Milestone to focus on and begin taking action!


Pull the Weeds

Just like weeds in your garden will choke off the nutrients to your healthy plants, "weeds" in your environment will do the same to your Dreams.  We're going to lovingly rip those weeds out by the roots!


Exterminate the Bugs

Bugs can destroy a healthy garden and the bugs in your mind will do the same thing to your Dreams and goals.  Time to exterminate those limiting beliefs and habits that sabotage your success.


Energize Your Personal Power Plantā„¢

Energy is everything when it comes to manifesting those goals and Dreams into reality!   You'll learn the different resources available to you and how to access that energy and circulate it so you can attract more of what you want with greater ease and flow.


Energize Your Personal Power Plantā„¢

Continuing on from the previous week, we'll explore more energy resources and how you can amp up your vibe for even more abundance!


When to Compost and When to Prune

Pruning the dead leaves and flowers off a plant helps it grow back stronger and healthier.  In this week you'll learn what, how and when to prune in your own life for more strength and resilience and how to compost the "failures" into fertilizer.


Building a Flourishing Garden

Your life isn't just one have a big, beautiful Garden of Life available to you!   In this week you'll learn how to apply the concepts in every area of your life for better balance and support.

What's the Investment?







What's Included:

  • 8 video training modules to walk you through all the core concepts and how to apply them.
  • Weekly assignment worksheets that help you put your step-by-step goal achievement plan into action. 
  • Weekly Live Q&A calls with me for additional support and guidance.
  • 24/7 online access to to the course, including video modules and downloadable action guides.
  • A private Facebook Group for additional daily inspiration and support.
  • Lifetime access to the program and any future upgrades.

And when you ACT NOW you'll receive these additional BONUSES:

BONUS #1: 
$97 value

One of the biggest challenges I see women struggle with is a disconnection from their Dreams. And this is such a key piece of the puzzle!  When you sign up you'll get immediate access to this mini-course for a deeper dive and learn my signature formula for re-awakening those Dreams and creating a compelling vision that calls you forward!

BONUS #2: 
$97 value

listen in to over 20 interviews with amazing women who share their best strategies and tools for having it all!
Guests include:  NYT Best-Selling Authors Marci Shimoff and Katherine Woodward Thomas, Natalie Ledwell, founder of Mind Movies, Leslie Blodgett, creator of the Bare Minerals brand and many more!  (click here to see the full list of speakers and topics)

$47 value

This beautiful downloadable journal is designed with 90 days of journal prompts designed to help you move from "worry" into "wonder" and guide your through your journey of transformation.  

Frequently Asked Questions

No, this product 100% digital. That means you get instant access to all the videos, handouts, and resources and can begin your journey within minutes of your purchase.

Once you submit your order, you’ll receive an email with your login details, which you’ll use to access your private member dashboard. That’s where you’ll find all of the video lessons, weekly assignments, and other resources. You will also receive an email confirmation of your purchase.
NOTE:  you will have immediate access to all the bonuses.  The  private FB group will be open on Monday, June 10th, 2019 along with the first module.

No problem – I offer a full 30-day money-back guarantee. All I ask is that you send me your completed homework assignments and if you still don't feel that the program is worth every penny, I'll promptly refund your money!

Yes, absolutely. All payments are processed through our payment processor and are 100% secure

Due to the nature of the live program, each week's assignments are dripped out one at a time.  It's my personal experience that you need to give each step the full attention and not rush through to get the best results.

Life happens. If something prevents you from completing all the weekly lessons in eight weeks, you can simply modify your plan to allow for the interruption and pick up where you left off once you get back. You have lifetime access to all the materials!

My team is always here to support you!   Just email us at and we'll get back to you within 24 hours (48 hours over the weekend or holidays).

100% Guaranteed

You're covered by my "love it or your money back" 30-day guarantee.  (See FAQ for details)

Lifetime Access

You have access to the program for the life of the course, including any upgrades to the content.  


Your purchase is safe and secure and your personal details will never be shared.



50% Complete

Two Step

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